So yes, i realise i have been severely abandoning my blog as of lately so i think it is time for a bit of an update! The past couple of months have been particularly hectic. Uni work has been forever increasing as has a busy social calender - good work-life balance you see ;) We had our annual medic ball on the 28th of January at the MacDonald Resort Hotel in Aviemore, almost a 3 hour trek from Glasgow. I am still mourning it's passing as it was definitely one of the best events in the medics' social calender. We spent the full weekend in Aviemore, with a fancy dress party on the friday and our ball on the saturday night. The theme for the fancy dress night was "When we were young", in other words - 90s themed! So my friends and I racked our brains for simple yet unique costumes and myself and a friend only decided on our costume a few days before the party. We dressed up as "Men in Black" - brilliant! See below...
My friend Zoe (left) and me - don't mess! |
The night basically consisted of lots of partying, dancing and laughing at how good and individual all the costumes were! (Errrghhhh, side not: currently watching One Born Every Minute while writing this blog and it's safe to say i will be delaying childbirth for a LONG time yet!). The ball itself on the saturday night was great too although the food was incredibly disappointing. This doesn't surprise me, as i have been to lots of balls and all the whole the food does not match the superior standard of the hotel itself. I guess not much more can be expected though, especially as food has to be prepared for approximately 200 people. Anyways, it was a bit of a come-down when we came back to Glasgow after the ball. Everyone was clearly missing the ball antics having been faced with the reality of medical school again!
Another important event in the social calender was my best friend Clara's 21st birthday. We have been really close since around 5th year of secondary school and pretty much know each other inside out, so i wasn't missing this one for the world! It was a great night, starting off at Clara's very artistic flat with some cheese, champagne and homemade pizza - YUM! This was followed by a trip to our old favourite nightclub - The Garage. Although it is known for it's cheesy music and sleazy men, we always have an amazing time there- ha! Below is a picture of myself and Clara;
Note the pout! |
So back to the reality of uni work, for those who are interested. We have recently started our Neurology block which i am absolutely loving as it's a real interest of mine. I have now changed placement from the Western Infirmary to Crosshouse hospital near Kilmarnock and wow, what a difference! Teaching at the Western was not consistent and relatively patchy. Crosshouse on the other hand is a dream of a hospital! It is classed as a "peripheral" hospital whereas the Western is "central". A well-known fact when you start at Glasgow Uni is that the peripheral hospitals have better teaching than the central ones, basically because the central hospitals have more patients, fewer staff and are generally busier.
Twice a week we are on the wards in the mornings following by PBL sessions in the afternoon. The clinical experience is great, and it's so refreshing to be meeting lots of patients and practising examination skills. All in all, i am still LOVING studying medicine and would not change anything for the world. I am in the process of organising my next elective (Summer 2012) where i plan to go to Australia! It requires early organisation - as you can see - as there are a lot of hurdles to get over before you actually get there (application fees, disclosures, CV etc).
Overall, life is pretty sweet at the moment! Great friends, great course and an ongoing obsession for Mulberry bags - does anyone want to treat me to one? :D
Ciao for now xxx
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